Write a better novel with less stress!

Maybe you've got scraps of an idea, but no real story.

Maybe you've got a sense of a story, but by the time you get a few chapters in, you quit in frustration because things don't seem to work.

Or maybe you've tried writing stories, but they get convoluted and messy, lack conflict, and seem weak... and you're not sure why, or how to fix it.

And maybe you've tried lots of courses, workshops, and reference books, but all it's done is overload you with tons of information that you're not sure how to put into practice, especially not together.

Don't worry. You're in the right place.

Whether you're a plotter, a pantser,

or somewhere in between,

this will help you write page turning fiction.

This course will teach you the components of three act structure in a friendly, streamlined way.

You'll learn how to make sure your story idea's strong before you get started, then equip you with the building blocks to create a plan to get writing and keep writing, with as much (or as little!) detail as you want.

Most of all, it will teach you how the components work together, showing you a step-by-step sequence to make your writing stronger.

Simple, flexible, and customizable, it will teach you how to construct scenes that create page turning fiction and satisfying reader experiences, creating fans that keep coming back for more!

This course is closed for enrollment.

Hi! I'm Cathy Yardley.

I've been a professional fiction writer since I signed my first contract in 1999. Since then, I've published over 30 novels and novellas, both traditional and indie.

Fifteen years ago, I started ROCK YOUR WRITING as a coaching and editing service, with many of my clients going on to publishing success.

It's been a pleasure to create workshops and courses to help other writers understand the components and tailor systems that work for them.

Courses will be rolling out, but if there's a course you want to see, email me and let me know.!